New Baby

Hampshire Healthy Families is here to help signpost you to trusted resources and websites in relation to helping you with your baby.

Having a baby is both an exciting and tough time. This website will support you through your journey of becoming a new parent. It includes lots of supportive information. For example what to look out for with your baby’s health, safer sleep and feeding.

Once your baby reaches 3-4 months they will already have experienced some remarkable changes. Your baby will learn to interact with you and with the world around them as their brain develops, and they develop new skills and responses. Your baby will continue to build emotional attachments to the people who care for them, especially you.

For some parents, this can be an overwhelming and worrying period, particularly if they experienced challenges before and just after birth.

Audiology pathway Baby Feeding & Nutrition Healthy Brain Development Newborn  Breastfeeding Support

happy mother with newborn

WalkHampshire Healthy Families' Offer

We offer a 4 week workshop called Five to Thrive which explores your baby’s brain development. To book on to this workshop please go to:

We run Ready Steady Walk groups every week. This is a social buggy or sling walk for parents. It is a great time to get out for a walk and meet other families.
Ready Steady Walk

When you feel ready, there are plenty of parent and baby groups for you to attend in your area. These groups will give you opportunity to meet other parents. Please look at our Workshops, Courses and Events page for more information.
Workshops, Courses and Events

Health visitors work in teams with community nursery nurses and work closely with other services such as GPs. The link below will help you access clinics in your area.

Your Health Visiting Service

happy mother with newborn

New born hearing screening

Looking after yourself is very important to both your emotional wellbeing and that of your baby.

Please get in touch with your Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor) if you have any concerns about your emotional health.

Healthy Start Vouchers Money Advice Perinatal Mental Health Support Immunisation Schedule 0-13 months


ChatHealth 0-5 is a text messaging service set up to support parents, carers and families of under 5’s in Hampshire.

The service is run by local health visitors who have a wealth of experience of working with mums and dads-to-be, babies, toddlers and young children.

For general support and guidance relating to you are your babies emotional health and wellbeing please follow https://

For new fathers there is a specific website/app that can offer advice and support. There is also an app that can be downloaded for free for those parents with a Hampshire postcode.

The Dad Pad

Please follow these links to other websites that may be beneficial to you:

NHS Baby Being a Parent Lullaby Trust   Every Sleep Counts
woman using smartphone in cafe

ICON is a programme that provides information about infant crying and how to cope.

ICON has been developed in partnership with all the areas who have taken on the programme. Hampshire CCG and Local Safeguarding Children Partnership were key in designing and piloting the initial materials including the GP questionnaire which is now included in the Royal College of GPs National Toolkit and we are proud that RCGP have endorsed ICON.

ICON is all about helping people who care for babies to cope with crying. ICON stands for

* I - Infant crying is normal
* C - Comforting methods can help
* O - It's OK to walk away
* N - Never, ever shake a baby.

Speak to someone if you need support such as your family, friends, Midwife, GP or Health Visitor.

ICON Website

Child Care

At some point you may be going back to work. Follow this link to seek advice regarding childminders and nurseries. Always look around at least three settings, ask lots of questions and check inside and outside of the setting.

Do you live in Frimley?

The Frimley Health and Care maternity provides people living across the Frimley ICS area with a ‘one-stop shop’ for all maternity, pregnancy, birth and caring for your baby resources and information that you might need.
Maternity at Frimley Health and Care

Frimley Health and Care 

Public Health in Hampshire 

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