Your baby is born with about one hundred billion brain cells; in the first year of life their brain doubles in size. By the time your baby is a year old, their brain will be two-thirds the size of an adult brain - that’s a fantastic rate of growth!
Babies are born helpless and need you to be there for them, so they will find ways to tell you how they are feeling, often through crying.
When you respond to your baby, you are helping brain cell connections in the neocortex (the 'upstairs brain'). The more you respond, the more connections are made, helping your baby to develop skills for life such as:
Speech & language
Solving problems
Understanding how others feel (empathy)
Coping with strong emotions & feelings (self-regulation)
Coping with difficult situations (resilience)
Meeting your baby’s emotional needs helps them to feel
and has a positive effect on lifelong well-being. It is impossible to spoil your baby with too much love and attention.
The brain is amazing, find out more here:
Zero To Three Brain Development