Hampshire Healthy Heroes

Are you a Registered Early Years Provider in Hampshire? Would you like to join us on a journey to help your children aged 3+ become Healthy Heroes?

Hampshire Healthy Heroes works with early years settings supporting healthy starts for young children and increasing emotional, physical and dental health outcomes.

Children are educated in a fun and interactive way, so that they understand the importance of looking after themselves and have the knowledge to implement healthy habits with the support of their parents, carers and Early Years providers.

Young boy and girl playing with football

Our Hampshire Healthy Heroes workshop is designed to be delivered to pre-school children by our Community Health Development Workers within the Early Years Setting itself, lasting about half an hour. Alternatively, the Early Years Setting can choose to have the workshop delivered to their team of staff as a digital workshop.

Following each workshop, each setting will also be provided with a set of resources and a toolkit for continuing to promote Healthy Heroes.

Two young children playing with chalk

Who is this session for?

Children aged 3+ in Early Years Settings

What does this session cover?

Health awareness targeted at children with a focus on the importance of good Emotional, Physical, Nutritional and Dental Health habits.

How to book

Please make contact with your local Community Health Development Workers, listed at the bottom of this page.

Aim of the Hampshire Healthy Heroes workshop:

To share interactive and creative activities for children to understand each of these health outcomes:

Oral Health

  • A short story about visiting the Dentist.
  • Activities will include giant size teeth and tooth brushing enabling the children to have a go at brushing the teeth with shaving foam and/or using laminated work-sheets to promote looking after their teeth.
  • What foods can harm children’s teeth, how to cut down on Sugar.
  • Understanding how to look after our teeth.

Physical Health

  • Activities will include talking about how we stay active.
  • Obstacle races / Moving to Music.
  • 5 Minute Moves: Running on the spot, star-jumps, frog-jumps, bunny hops & kicks.
  • Lying down and being completely still for a minute.


  • Looking at and naming emotions.
  • Recognizing and managing different feelings, using sensory bottles.
  • Building Confidence and Self-Esteem.
  • Use our hand as a tool to breathe slowly.

Your local Community Health Development Worker


Suzanne Shields

East Hants

Sophie Williams

Eastleigh & Romsey

Kirsty Simms

Fareham & Gosport

Kay Duffy
Linda Walford

Hart & Rushmoor

Elaine Penman

Havant & Waterlooville

Debbie Mead

New Forest

Wendy Newman

Andover & Winchester

Julie Ridge
Yasmin Mukadam 

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