Ready Steady School
Courses and Workshops

Are you wondering about what you can do to prepare your child for school?

The thought of your child starting school might be daunting. This big milestone can be an emotional time not only for them, but for you and the rest of your family. Whether you are feeling excited, or worried (or both!), you may be wondering…

  • Will my child be ready for school when the time comes, physically and emotionally?
  • What will I need to do to make sure my child and the family are prepared?
  • What does school readiness actually mean?
  • What resources will my child need for starting school?
  • How will I cope when my child starts school?
  • How will the school help me and my family to settle and feel included?

You may just be starting to think about this, or perhaps you have a long list of questions! Hampshire Healthy Families are here to help. We offer a variety of sessions to help you feel prepared and ready for when your child starts school, through informative workshops, courses, and a pre-recorded webinar.

What do these sessions cover?

1.5 hour workshop – Essential information, based on the Five to Thrive approach, with the opportunity to ask questions.

Book your free workshop through Eventbrite.

4 x 1.5 hour course (over 4 weeks) – Expands on the workshop, covering the learning journey and forming an effective partnership with your child’s school.

Book your free course through Eventbrite.

Who are these sessions for?

Parents and carers of children aged 3-5 years old. (you are welcome to bring them along!)

Extra information

Can't make it to a workshop or course?

We also have our pre-recorded Workshop to watch in your own time. See below!

Pre-Recorded Workshop

School Readiness (Part 1) - The Ready Child

Your young child starting school for the first time is a huge milestone!In the first of this 3-part series, we discuss what it will be like for your child when the time comes. It's never too early to start thinking about those exciting next steps!

Once you have watched the video, please don't forget to let us know your feedback! You can do so by following this link.

Pre-Recorded Workshop

School Readiness (Part 2) - The Ready Family

In part two, we talk about ways the family can prepare for when your child starts school for the first time.

Once you have watched the video, please don't forget to let us know your feedback! You can do so by following this link.

Pre-Recorded Workshop

School Readiness (Part 3) - The Ready School

In the final session of our School Readiness series, we explore what's involved when choosing a school for your child.

Once you have watched the video, please don't forget to let us know your feedback! You can do so by following this link.

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