
Being parent or carer is a special, rewarding and a wonderful experience. Every child should grow up feeling loved and supported. Here at Hampshire Healthy Families we can signpost you to trusted resources and websites. Below you will find a range of useful information helping you on your journey to supporting your toddler.

Healthy Brain Development Toddlers

Health & Wellbeing

Health for Under 5’s offers a wide range of support and information for parents including sleep, nutrition, behaviour, play and much more.

Health For Under 5s Supporting you and your toddler with toileting Helping you and your family stay healthy Taking care of your toddlers teeth

A short video clip on top tips for keeping your toddlers teeth healthy.

Ideas for being physically active with your toddler

Your toddler’s brain is busy doing lots of growing and developing. Find more information on how you can support your infants mental well-being here:

Youngminds NHS support and advice for play ideas and reading to your child
smiling toddler

Barnardo's Services

Barnardo's has a range of service that can support you and your child.

Find out more

Internet Safety

Keeping under 5’s safe online

There are a range of tools available to help you manage screen time:

Apple's Screen Time Google's Family Link Xbox One Playstation Nintendo Switch

Child Safety Online - A practical guide for parents:


Find out if you are eligible for 30 free hour’s childcare and how to apply.

30 Hours Free Childcare

Information on finding childcare and early years education.

Starting School

Is your child due to start school in September? Find information here about applying for a reception (Year R) place.

A leaflet on School Readiness:


A guide for parents, carers and practitioners to help ensure the best possible start to school for Hampshire's children.

Starting School

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